
When I found this photograph, two songs came to my mind. The first one was song where they sing "where are you now?". I am not aware of the name of this song but it's quite new one. The other song is "Unforgettable" sung by Nat King Cole. These young ladies here in this picture are all dead now but we could ask where they were when they grew older. What kind of life they had, were they happy, what sorrows they had. Often we can only ask. But, I can answer some of these questions partially when it comes to two of them. The first girl was my great aunt and the other was her (and my granny's) cousin.

My grand aunt on the left leaning towards the table and her cousin standing next to her.

My grand aunt was, and still is one of my idols, whom I have admired my whole life. She was married but never had a child which was one of her life's biggest sorrows. She and her husband had a one girl and a one boy as foster children some years. She lived in many places during her life, but the most important place for her was the one that located in the most beautiful place you can wish. It was sunny hill facing to South by the beautiful rapid. I loved that place in my childhood and times, when I could stay there were, and still are, among the happiest moments of my life. She had a lush and flourishing garden where plums, cherries and apples and plenty of flowers and vegetables successfully grew. There was one special chore that was especially favored by me. Every morning I went to hen's house to pick up eggs. Oh, I loved it!
My great aunt, she was so sweet and happy minded person who I still greatly miss. She lived a long life and died in the age of 97.


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